Carpinelli Space TST Ezra's Stargates ™ (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)
Carpinelli Space TST Time Travel and Dimensional communications
Ezra's Stargates created by me, Ezra Fania Carpinelli owner of Carpinelli Space TST and EZRANICS using Data Analysis on hieroglyphs of ancient pyramids in different countries around the world researching related functions of Celestial Mechanics, its mechanics and transportation factors of gravities, cosmic radiations of the Sun, Moon, Stars, cosmic symbols and their significances of space time dimensions, applying my own theories and applications after confirming factors of their individual phenomena, and engineering my own technology I named EZRANICS.
Dimensions are created when a force is created that allows movement into a new domain. Earth's "revolution" MOVES around the sun and takes 365 days for earth to MOVE around to orbit the sun. This would create planets reflections becoming MULT-IDIMENSIONAL by the sun that are scattered throughout space sustaining dimensions with each MULTI-DIMENSIONAL reflection of the planets by the sun at different speeds of gravity in heliocentric orbit during each planets orbit around the sun. Daily dimensions are created within the time of 365 days each time the earth moves around the sun per revolution. In each of my hand drawn sketches, the dotted circles represent the MULTI-DIMENSIONAL reflections of planets by the sun that scatter these reflections of planets throughout space which are sustained dimensions by the sun and planets gravity resistances on each other in heliocentric orbit. These sustained dimension or planet reflections contain both spacetime and different speeds and force of gravity in heliocentric orbits where the planet reflections are sustained in a chronological order based on the different elliptical orbit paths they take around the sun and the constant gravity resistances between the sun and the planets.
(Page1) Within the earths 365 day elliptical orbit around the sun, the sun creates reflections of each planet creating sustained dimensions by the earth and sun's gravity resistances putting each sustained dimension (planet reflection) in a chronological order. Spacetime and different forces and speed of gravity are within every planet reflection the sun produces.
(Page 2) Using a ground based system such as an observatory planetarium to transmit high powered wireless transmissions to the sun for the sun rays to relay the transmission to travel at the same speed as gravity and light (671 million miles per hour) to stimulate a sustained dimension in all 3 dimensional spacetime (past, present & future) causing a spacetime gate to open in our current position and positions of earth.
(Page 4) Venus and Uranus are the only 2 planets that go clockwise around the sun. This is a basic illustration on how heliocentric orbits drag force by retrograde orbits of planets and orbital resonance sequences cause gravitational fluctuations from sustained dimensions each planet created during heliocentric orbits passing each other and around the sun. The sun rays reach Sedona over 24 hours, Sun rays reach Venus 6 minutes, Sun rays reach Earth 8.3 minutes, Sun rays reach Mars 12.6 minutes, Sun rays reach Jupiter 43.2 minutes, Sun rays reach Saturn 79.3 minutes, Sun rays reach Uranus 159.6 minutes, Sun rays reach Neptune 4.1 hours, Sun rays reach Pluto 4.6 hours, Sun rays reach Ceres 22 minutes, Sun rays reach Haumea 6 hours, Sun rays reach Makemake 10 hours 20 minutes, Sun rays reach Eris 13 hours, Sun rays reach Mercury 3.2 minutes.
(Page 5) The amount of time that sun rays reach each planets surface to estimate the time it would take for the relayed transmissions to reach each planets surfaces carried by the sun rays ensuring a hit of a reflection of the planet by the sun (sustained dimensions) location to track and map as the gates open on "Our earths" current position.
(Page 6) Basic illustration on how the transmissions relayed by the sun rays would bounce back to the sun to relay it back to our position of earth by the other planets microgravity's each planets send to the sun through each planets gravity resistance toward the sun (The push pull forces of the sun and planets gravities resistance on each other, pulling and pushing by each others gravity exchanges. The relayed transmissions would reach the planets surface and the suns gravity pull would pull the transmissions back by the planet it reaches gravity resistances against the suns gravity pulls)
(Page 7) Carpinelli Space TST Long Range Galaxy Multidimensional Ezra's Stargates Long Range application
(Page 8) Launching giant mirrors to each planets surface to enhance signal relay transmission simulating a wireless fiber optic system using planets and its gravities.
(Page 11) In our 3 dimensional space time of past present and future, all 3 dimensions and multi dimensions use the same sun
(Page 13) Basic illustration of time gates opening in our current position of earth after stimulating sustained dimensions in different parts of our current planet position
(Page 14) Basic diagram of how the sun would relay signals back from sustained dimensions back to our current position of earth USING EARTHS OWN BODY
(Page 15) Basic illustration of Earth using its own heliocentric orbit and its sustained dimensions. Earth and other planets with moons have their own heliocentric orbits aside from their usual heliocentric orbits around the sun. As the moon goes around the earth, earth is still going around the sun at the same time with the moon. At certain points of when the earth goes around the sun, it tends to make its own circle (non linear) then continuing around the sun which distinguishes the elliptical courses it takes per revolution thereby creating drags of sustained dimensions in its heliocentric orbits at different courses around the sun.
(Page 16) Basic illustration of where time gates would open on our current position of earth once hitting more than one sustained dimension depending which sustained dimensions signal is stronger than the other to allow a time gate or time gates to open at that same time. (Distance, gravity alignments, sun and planet retrograde orbits, etc)
Carpinelli Space TST Spacetime Dimensional navigation theoretical hyperspace model. Using sustained Spacetime dimensions and the moons orbital resonance to create warped fabrics of space wormholes. All planets orbit the sun in an elliptical circular course.It takes Saturn(29.4 years) for 1 trip around the sun. It takes Pluto(248 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Neptune(165 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Jupiter(12 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Uranus(84 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Mars(687 days) for 1 trip around the sun. It takes Earth(365 days) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Venus(225 days) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Mercury(88 days) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Ceres(4.6 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Haumea(283.28 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Makemake(306 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Eris(557 years) 1 trip around the sun. It takes Sedna 11,400 years for 1 trip around the sun. All planets go around the sun in ellptical orbits counter clockwise EXCEPT FOR VENUS AND URANUS which goes around the sun CLOCKWISE in elliptical orbits. Pluto goes counterclockwise but rotates retrograde almost 6 months, the opposite rotation of the sun. Eris also orbits in retrograde for 6 months. Venus rotates in retrograde opposite of most of the planets. Uranus has a retrograde rotation. These orbits around the sun organizes spacetime in a chronological order of dimensions by using each planets body to sustain the past time dimensions while orbiting the sun using the sun and all planets gravity resistances.(The push and pull forces of the sun and each planets gravities) This separates the PAST from PRESENT to FUTURES, which all 3 PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURES USE THE SAME SUN.
Using the location points of the reflections of the planets by the sun that are sustained in each heliocentric paths the planets orbit the sun and our moons orbital resonances to create space curves (warped fabrics of space)in in 3 dimensional space to create torsion wormholes. To travel between realities, they must be in the same proximity or range.Venus and Uranus go clockwise direction while the rest of the planets goes in an elliptical counter clockwise orbit around the sun. Mapping the planets reflections by the sun (sustained dimensions) would allow calculating each curve in space the sustained dimensions produces to artificially stimulate the position of the space curve by using high powered lasers through the space curve to see if it has an adjoining space curve at a different point in space the laser would be detected in another point in space like pointing a flashlight beam through a dark tunnel to see if it reaches an exit point, so an object or craft could pass through from the original point and exit the other. The craft must be able to fit inside the space curve and withstand the amounts of force of speed permitting the object or craft to enter the first position of the space curve to exit the other side of the adjoining space curve.
Speeds of all planets going around the sun in miles per hour. Jupiter 29,236 mph, Saturn speed travels at 21,675 mph. Neptune speed travels at 12,146 mph. Uranus speed travels 15,290 mph. Pluto speed travels 10,628 mph. Mars speed travels 53,979 mph. Earth speed travels 67,000 mph. Venus speed travels 78,000 mph. Mercury speed travels 107,082 mph. Ceres speed travels 39,000 mph. Haumea speed travels 10,030 mph. Makemake speed travels 11,200 mph. Eris speed travels 7,681 mph, Sedna speed travels 1.04 kilometers per second, Sun rotating speed 1.241 miles/s. This information is needed for calculation is needed for telemetry to map out the wormholes created by the sustained spacetime dimensions.
Earth(9.807 M/S 2, 149.6 kilometers from sun) and Venus(8.87 M/S 2, and 0.72 AU from the sun) retrograde and prograde orbits aligned using Earth geocentric orbit view. Since Earth and Venus align the closest of planets every 584 days and Venus orbits clockwise and retrograde at 78,000 mph while Earth orbits prograde at 67000 mph counterclockwise, once the 2 planets reach each others aligning points, the gravity resistance creates gravitational perturbations and space fabric distortions. Theoretically matching a sustained dimension location within the Earth & Venus inferior conjunction, using wireless cellular power transmission installed on a drone sized craft, would create a torsion field effect creating a small wormhole entry point just big enough for a tiny craft like a 25ft X 25ft drone to enter small hyperspace jump from one point and exiting a point yards away.
TORSION FIELD WORMHOLE: Since the Inferior conjunction alignment lasts 2 days, the power transmission installed in the drone starts transmissions in every direction to locate a sustained dimension to stimulate the space distortions within the inferior conjunction between Earth and Venus aligned distance path to create a small wormhole
Carpinelli Space TST Hyperspatial Transportation Deep Space Satellite deployment space crafts ™ (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)
Photophoretic Radiometric approach to achieve Hyperspeed using unmanned space craft made of carbon fiber that is equipped with modified electrical harmonics and illumination system to match modulation of the suns currents to create magnetic resistance fields surrounding the entire unmanned space craft for sun rays to push against the resistance field to start pushing the unmanned space craft to gradual speeds up to 671 million miles an hour.
(Page 1) All planets gravities at Meter per second square : Sun (274 m/s 2) Moon (1.62 m/s 2) Ceres (0.28 m/s 2) Earth (9.807 m/s 2) Haumea (0.401 m/s 2) Mercury (3.7 m/s 2) Jupiter (24.79 m/s 2) Eris (0.82 m/s 2) Makemake (0.5 m/s 2) Venus (8.87 m/s 2) Uranus (8.87 m/s 2) Saturn (10.44 m/s 2) Neptune (11.5 m/s 2) Pluto (0.62 m/s 2) Sedna (0.33-50 m/s 2)
(Page 4) Determining where to position the 25X25 ft unmanned modified space drone to activate the Photopheretic Radiometric force system installed in the modified space drone remote control. The best place would be away from any gravitational pulls but position closest to the sun for the installed system to feed off the sun rays for radiometric force simulating radiation pressure pushing the craft.
(Page 5) Calculating potential obstacles that may interrupt space flight path such as orbital resonances or drags of fluctuating gravity fields by heliocentric orbits, etc
(Page 7) Calculating clear flight path for unmanned modified space drone using both Heliocentric and Geocentric angles
(Page 8) Positioning the modified unmanned space drone to engage the harmonic and illumination systems installed in the unmanned modified space drone by remote control
Carpinelli Space TST Anti-Gravity generation ™ (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)
Using Sun and Earth Dipole fields for Anti Gravity generator.
Theoretical Electromagnetic field, Torsion field and Torsional Force manipulation.
Using modified land space telescopes to bring the suns force through the land space telescopes by using gravitational lensing directly at the sun causing the suns electromagnetic currents and torsion fields to travel through the ground telescopes lenses through to other the other end of telescope for the currents to push upward at the other end of the telescope that is modified with a connecting platform to it. Instead of how the space telescopes in space need to catch light from distant star systems to see it, The space telescopes on land concentrates only on the sun. Theoretically, it should relay the suns electromagnetic spectrums effect to cause a push force called radiation pressure and photophoretic radiometric force creating anti-gravity fields by combining the exterior ultraviolet lighting field representing the (negative charge) once exposed to the sun light, and (positive charge) by the sun which has infused protons to push the craft upward into the gradient force until the craft reaches outer space, simulating how the sun pushes away comets and asteroids in space far away by radiation pressure
(Page 5) Using land space telescope, the sun and earth dipole fields to create an artificial solar anti gravity generator by harnessing the sun electromagnetic spectrum with torsion fields relayed by the ground space telescopes lenses while using gravitational lensing on the sun relaying the suns electromagnetic currents through the telescopes other end of the telescope exposing them to earths dipole fields on the planets surface. Using the ground space telescope to relay the suns electromagnetic currents from its electromagnetic spectrum to expose them to the earths surface dipole fields creating anti gravity.
(Page 1) Modified Direct Energy Satellite in Orbit in position to initiate force field sync with wireless power transmission installed vehicle
(Page 2) Direct energy from modified orbiting satellite directs it fields towards the vehicle that's conducting and emitting wireless electromagnetic power transmissions creating an electric field barrier between the vehicle and any object that comes in range of the electric field barrier preventing any physical contact or impact of objects outside the electric barrier