Carpinelli Space TST (SPAZIALE CARPINELLI TST) Theoretical Science Technology Freelance Researcher Services of Space Architecture, Gravity Science & Photophoretic Radiometric Force. (Independent contractor) ℠(Member of The Planetary Society)

Carpinelli Space TST (SPAZIALE CARPINELLI TST) Theoretical Science Technology Freelance Researcher Services of Space Architecture, Gravity Science & Photophoretic Radiometric Force. (Independent contractor) ℠(Member of The Planetary Society)

Carpinelli Space TST

Carpinelli Space TST Ezra's Stargates   ™  (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)

Carpinelli Space TST  Time Travel and Dimensional communications

Ezra's Stargates created by me, Ezra Fania Carpinelli owner of Carpinelli Space TST and EZRANICS using Data Analysis on hieroglyphs of ancient pyramids in different countries around the world researching related functions of Celestial Mechanics, its mechanics and transportation factors of gravities, cosmic radiations of the Sun, Moon, Stars, cosmic symbols and their significances of space time dimensions, applying my own theories and  applications after confirming factors of their individual phenomena, and engineering my own technology I named EZRANICS.

Dimensions are created when a force is created that allows movement into a new domain.  Earth's "revolution" MOVES around the sun and takes 365 days for earth to MOVE around to orbit the sun. This would create  planets reflections becoming MULT-IDIMENSIONAL by the sun that are scattered throughout space sustaining dimensions with each MULTI-DIMENSIONAL reflection of the planets by the sun at different speeds of gravity in heliocentric orbit during each planets orbit around the sun. Daily dimensions are created within the time of 365 days each time the earth moves around the sun per revolution.  In each of my hand drawn sketches, the dotted circles represent the MULTI-DIMENSIONAL reflections of planets by the sun that scatter these reflections of planets throughout space which are sustained dimensions by the sun and planets gravity resistances on each other in heliocentric orbit.  These sustained dimension or planet reflections contain both spacetime and different speeds and force of gravity in heliocentric orbits where the planet reflections are sustained in a chronological order based on the different elliptical orbit paths they take around the sun and the constant gravity resistances between the sun and the planets.

Carpinelli Space TST Hyperspatial Transportation Deep Space Satellite deployment space crafts   ™    (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)

Photophoretic Radiometric approach to achieve Hyperspeed using unmanned space craft made of carbon fiber that is equipped with modified electrical harmonics and illumination system to match modulation of the suns currents to create magnetic resistance fields surrounding the entire unmanned space craft for sun rays to push against the resistance field to start pushing the unmanned space craft to gradual speeds up to 671 million miles an hour.



Carpinelli Space TST Anti-Gravity generation ™   (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)

Using Sun and Earth Dipole fields for Anti Gravity generator.

Theoretical Electromagnetic field, Torsion field and Torsional Force manipulation. 

Using modified land space telescopes to bring the suns force through the land space telescopes by using gravitational lensing directly at the sun causing the suns electromagnetic currents and torsion fields to travel through the ground telescopes lenses through to other the other end of telescope for the currents  to push upward at the other end of the telescope that is modified with a connecting platform to it. Instead of how the space telescopes in space need to catch light from distant star systems to see it, The space telescopes on land concentrates only on the sun. Theoretically, it should relay the suns electromagnetic spectrums effect to cause a push force called radiation pressure and photophoretic radiometric force creating anti-gravity fields by combining the exterior ultraviolet lighting  field representing the (negative charge) once exposed to the sun light, and  (positive charge) by the sun which has infused protons to push the craft upward into the gradient force until the craft reaches outer space, simulating how the sun pushes away comets and asteroids in space far away by radiation pressure

Carpinelli Space TST Force Fields  Basics  ™   (THIS RESEARCH IS FOR SALE)


Ezra F Carpinelli