Human consciousness sharing between past, present and future Multi-dimensions (Planets reflection dimensions by sun) All human bodies, planets, stars, moons and suns all produce bio electromagnetism and USE AND CONNECTED TO THE SAME GRAVITY!!! The human body harmonic frequency is 4-12hz, Human body harmonic radio frequency 40-70hz. The human body is compatible to radio waves because the body contains conductive fluids absorbing and interacting with radio frequency electromagnetic radiation by generating heat when the body is exposed to strong enough radio waves. The human brain bioelectromagnetic field frequency 0-300hz.
The human brain neurological bioelectromagnetic fields are compatible with radio waves because both operate within the same electromagnetic spectrum range and interact with each other due to their similar frequencies allowing radio frequency waves to influence neuronal activity by inducing small electrical currents within the brain tissue which impact the neurotransmitter release and signal transmission.
The harmonic frequency Alpha & Theta 5hz, Beta harmonic frequency 12-30hz, Delta wave harmonic frequency 0.5 to 4hz, Gamma wave harmonic 30-100hz .
The multi-reflections of the planets are still connected to the same sun and planets the sun created the reflections from.
(PAGE 1) 3 dimensional human consciousness "Conscious" (Beta waves 12-30 Hz), "Subconscious"(3.5-7.5 HZ) (MEMORY) and "Unconscious" (Delta waves 1-4 Hz and Alpha waves 8-14 Hz). Conscious state representing time index of "Present" Subconscious = "Past" and Unconscious = "future."
(Page 2) As time goes forward, "Only the Conscious and Subconscious change from constantly processing information and storing it". THE UNCONSCIOUS STATE NEVER CHANGES" , which connects the Conscious and Subconscious states no matter what dimensions the Conscious and Subconscious are in. As you know both Conscious and Subconscious states operate when your awake BUT THE UNCONSCIOUS STATE TAKES OVER WHEN BOTH CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS ARE NO LONGER PROCESSING AWAKE.
(Page 3) Basic illustration on how consciousness is shared by dimensions of aging in this example. In the stick figures, it shows a dimension of a child at 5 years old and the child active conscious and subconscious state is developing and accumulating memory. The second dimension represents the child at the age of 20 yrs old, the next at 69 years old. The childs memory is still connected to all 3 dimensions and even at the age of 69 years old, the only thing that DID NOT CHANGE was the child unconscious state. The same sun is in every past present and future dimension of the child's aging.
(PAGE 4) It takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to reach Earths surface. Gravity and sunlight speed is 671 million miles an hour...the distant future uses the SAME SUN AND GRAVITY, the stick figure represents the human brain processing speed over 100 milliseconds. The neurological bioelectromagnetic fields are compatible with radio frequency waves because both operate within the same electromagnetic spectrum range and interact with each other due to their similar frequencies allowing radio frequency waves to influence neuronal activity by inducing small electrical currents within the brain tissue which impact the neurotransmitter release and signal transmission. Limitations are the compatibility to various radio waves and harmonics, the various distances in range and various frequencies capable of the neurological interface and electrostatic that prevents interface. The future planets still orbits the sun but at a different elliptical path but STILL CIRCLES AROUND THE SUN.
(Page 5) This basic illustration illustrates how spacetime is taken out of chronological order by gravity distortions caused by massive asteroids passing through our space disrupting the sun's gravity circulation with Earth, or nuclear missiles tested in outer space the United States and the Soviet Union did in 1962 and currently the congested outer space satellites in space disrupting the flow of gravity to the earth surface causing more damage to the atmosphere and planet surface.
(Page 8) As you can see in the illustration above, once a massive disruption of gravity occurs, it could shift and merge sustained spacetime dimensions out of chronological order and into our own.
(Page 9) Human body frequency= 9 to 16 Hz, Human Alpha waves = 7.5 to 14 Hz, Human Beta waves-= 12 to 30 Hz, Human Delta waves= 1 to4 Hz, Human Gama waves= 35 Hz, Human Theta waves= 3.5 to 6.75 Hz. Sun frequency= 104 Hz. Planet Saturn=147.85 Hz, Planet Uranus=207.36 Hz, Planet Neptune= 211.44 Hz, Planet Pluto= 140.25 Hz, Planet Earth= 7.83 Hz, Planet Venus=221.23 Hz, Planet Mercury=141.27 Hz, Planet Jupiter=183.58, Dwarf Planet Eris=45 to 22 Khz
(Page 10) In this basic illustration shows how the human body interfaces with frequencies of the sun, dimensions, Planets and moons. The same laws apply about the conscious states of Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious, it does NOT matter where the CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS ARE AND HOW THEY CHANGE, THE UNCONSCIOUS NEVER CHANGES AND CONNECTS THE CONSCIOUS AND SUBCONSCIOUS STATES NO MATTER WHAT DIMENSIONS THEY ARE IN.. The human body emits 100 watts of electricity. During physical activities, the human body emits 300 to 400 watts of electricity. During intense short bursts of intense activity, the human body emits over 2000 watts of electricity. The way the sun interfaces with humans are light exposure through the eyes and skin. The sun's electromagnetic radiation does interact with the human body affecting the electromagnetic fields within the human body. Gravity affects brainwaves through the vestibular system in (inner ear) which acts as a sensory organ. Sunlight carries information to the brain by producing different wavelengths of visible light which the eyes photoreceptor cells pick up, then converted into electrical signals that reaches the optic nerve to the brain. The human body harmonic frequency 4-12hz. Human body harmonic radio frequency 40-70hz
(Page 11) When more planets move into our solar system IT BECOMES MORE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BECAUSE IT DID NOT COME FROM THIS SOLAR SYSTEM CAUSING MORE PLANETARY REFLECTIONS BY THE SUN SO THE DIMENSIONAL FACTORS CHANGE BECAUSE OF THE NEW PLANETS AND MOONS PRESENCE INTO OUR SOLAR AND STAR SYSTEM while the sun and planets continue orbiting the milky way. It takes 225 million years for the sun and this solar system to make 1 orbit around the milky way at a speed of 560,000 mph.
(Page 12) As shown in this example from my project: Ezra's Stargates, of the earth orbit around the sun 365 days per complete orbit, each day represents a sustained dimension usually perceived as planets reflections by the sun. These reflections of planets by the sun contain spacetime but different speeds of gravity and are scattered throughout space at locations where the earth elliptical orbits passed through. A person that is 80 years old (80 X 365 days earth goes around sun) means they are in 29,200 dimensions of earth (by aging years) they are in after birth. Between the 80 years the person is still connected to his or her memories after birth, to end of life completing their circle of life cycle sustained going back to birth to end of life in circles by the sustained dimensions by the sun and the planet they are on which is still orbiting the sun.
(Page 13) In this page 2 example of my Ezra's Stargates, shows more of the earths multi-dimensional Planet reflections in different years of spacetime and how to access these sustained dimensions (Planet reflections by the sun) by using a ground based system like a Planet observatory equipped with space telescopes to transmit wireless power transmissions to the sun to carry the currents to the multi-dimensional planet reflections by the sun to open the time gates in the current planet earth position we are in because the reflection of the planets are still connected to the same sun and planets the sun created the reflections from.